Hidden In My Heart

11I have hidden your word in my heart,

that I might not sin against you.

(Psalm 119:11)

This week, Pastor Jonny went through this verse word by word.


We as individuals have to do something. We cannot live off the faith off our parents or our pastor. No, we have to have our own personal faith in Jesus Christ.


This is the past tense, meaning “I” have done something. It is descriptive of the Christian life. A Christian isn’t just someone who mentally ascends to certain theological facts, but is someone who does things as an outworking of faith.


We usually hide things in safety deposit boxes because they have value. The Word of God is very precious to us and has immense value, so we need to treasure it.


These are God’s words we are hiding. These words are of ultimate value because He is our creator. Don’t hold onto the negative words that people say to you. Instead, focus on God’s Word.


This could be a whole sermon! A word is a declaration. The Bible is God’s Word, full of God’s promises. Sometimes we never rattle off His promises when we need them most.

Additionally, quite often the Word refers to Jesus. So in addition to hiding Scripture in your heart, hide Jesus in your heart too.

In My Heart

Our heart doesn’t just beat in our chest, but our heart is who we are as a person. The heart is the mind, will and emotions. We need to hide Jesus in there, in our innermost being.

So That I Might Not Sin Against You

The Greek for sin is an archery term, which means “miss the mark”. If God’s law, His standard of living, is the bullseye, then we have all severely missed that. The Bible tells us that we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. The Good News is that Jesus came and purchased us on the cross by His blood, paying for our sin, past, present and future. If you want an eternity with Jesus, believe in Him today as your perfect Saviour and He will transform you. In this life, we will never be sinless, but we will certainly “sin less” with Jesus by our side!