This week, back at the Marine Hall, Jonny brought us a recap on his sermon series Get In The Fight from last year.
But you will not even need to fight. Take your positions; then stand still and watch the LORD’s victory. He is with you, O people of Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid or discouraged. Go out against them tomorrow, for the LORD is with you!”
(2 Chronicles 20:17)
We are in a fight
We all go through difficult times in life. When we are in a time of relative peace, however, it’s wise to work on our relationship with Jesus so that when we are in a fight, it will pay dividends.
Fights come in all forms: relational, financial, or spiritual. The reason why we end up in so many fights is because we are all broken sinful humans, living in a broken sinful world.
This is the pattern until Jesus returns. Until then, nothing will be made perfect.
When we are in fights, the best thing to do is understand that trying to resolve everything in our own strength is not the way forward. We have a part to play, however. We need to stand firm and see the deliverance that the Lord will give us. We need to take up our position as children of God, standing firm. When we see God making a way, we ought to give Him the praise and glory that He is due.
The fight is not in the flesh
In life, fights manifests themselves physically, but they doesn’t start in flesh. Ephesians 6:12 tells us that the fight is against spirits and unseen powers.
Our fights are a symptom of the spiritual brokenness in us. The Enemy wants to get into our brokenness and separate us from other people through fights.
When we have this awareness, it makes it easier to love people and see things from God’s perspective.
The fight is fixed
All the way through the Bible, we can see that God fixes fights in favour of His people. For example, Moses and the Red Sea, Joshua and the walls of Jericho, David and Goliath, Jesus and His miracles. None of these are possible through man, but instead by the grace of God. None of us should really be in our position as children of God, but it’s a miracle that God has forgiven us and saved us.
No enemy can stand against God. The devil is limited; he isn’t omnipotent or omnipresent, unlike God, who can do anything and is in all places at once.
With God on our side, we can’t help but win.
At the end of time, Jesus will return and vanquish all our enemies. The fight is not in the flesh, and we cannot win it on fleshly terms. The good news is that Jesus will have victory over sin and death. Choose to follow Jesus today.