Christmas // Peace

This week, Pastor Jonny brought a message about peace, as well as some powerful personal testimony. Jesus came to bring glory to God and peace on earth. With these Government lockdowns and restrictions, we need to know that peace more than ever before.

1In that day this song will be sung in the land of Judah:

We have a strong city;

God makes salvation

its walls and ramparts.

2Open the gates

that the righteous nation may enter,

the nation that keeps faith.

3You will keep in perfect peace

those whose minds are steadfast,

because they trust in you.

(Isaiah 26:1-3)

Isaiah was Old Testament major prophet and most quoted book by Jesus Himself. The book of Isaiah is a long one, but well worth a read. There is prophecy directly for Israel at the time it was written, as well as prophecy about the coming of the Messiah (which apply to Jesus) and some prophecy about the eternal state, the New Heavens and New Earth.

Jesus came and fulfilled these prophecies; He is peace personified. Jesus has a lot of names, one of which is the Prince of Peace. He rules in and through peace, and brings peace to His people.

Jesus brings peace to creation. In the Gospels, we read an account of how the disciples were in a boat in the middle of a storm, and Jesus calmed the sea in the boat. “Even the wind and waves obey Him”, remarked the disciples. How we should have such awe today for who Jesus is!

We see Jesus as an example of how to act peacefully in a crisis. Jesus never rushed between His situation. Instead, He always had a calm perspective, bringing peace to situations, whether that be healing the sick, giving sight to the blind or raising the dead.

We all need peace. Jesus is the gift that every single one of us needs this Christmas.

He is the Shalom. 

In the original Hebrew for verse 3 of today’s passage, “perfect peace" was written as "shalom shalom” - Hebrews repeated words to emphasise them, so we can know that Jesus is “peaceful peace” in the original language, which we translate to “perfect peace” today.

A key truth for today: Peace isn’t found in the absence of problems. Peace is found in the presence of God.

We will have problems with our children, our spouse, our family and our finances.

We ought to fix our eyes on Jesus, as He is the key to perfect peace.

When we go stargazing, we get so focused and enamoured by what we can see in the sky that we forget about the events happening on earth. We should seek to have a similar attitude in our spiritual life.

We need to look up, focus on Jesus, our minds fixed away from the chaos of life, and receive that peace that He offers.

7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

(Philippians 4:7)

Jesus’ peace is nothing like the world’s peace; He brings the peace that goes beyond all our understanding.

We can have lots of money, look successful, be married, have anything the world has to offer, but we can still not have peace. Peace isn’t found in the absence of problems but in the presence of God.

So this Christmas, seek Jesus to receive the peace of God.