Call To Me

This week at Light & Life, Doug Burke came and spoke to us about a particular verse from the Bible and how it can apply to us today:

‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know’
(Jeremiah 33:3)

Jeremiah, one of the major prophets in the Bible, was passionate about communicating God’s message at the time to the people around him, a message for Israel to repent and turn back to God, or suffer judgement at the hands of enemy nations. He was so passionate to communicate the message, that when people thew him down a well to try and stop him from prophesying, he carried on! His goal was to have a living, breathing relationship with God and follow Him in obedience. History proves that he was right to do so, as his prophetic warnings came to pass soon afterwards, and Jerusalem was besieged and captured by Babylon.

What are your current life goals? Perhaps to make money, improve/retain your health, or be popular and have lots of friends? Our main goal in life should be to delve deeper in our relationship with God, calling to Him and listening to what He has to say to us.

In Jeremiah’s time, the revelation of the person and work of Jesus Christ hadn’t come to pass yet, so Jeremiah’s revelation of God as the Trinity was less developed than ours today, but that didn’t stop him from listening, trusting and obeying what God said to Him. We should be just as eager to listen to God today.

God speaks firstly through His Word. If we ignore the Bible, we’ll struggle to get in line with God’s thoughts and ways. Billy Graham used to begin his day with a Bible study and asking God how He was. God never replied “I’m fine, thanks for asking”. The truth is that God doesn’t deal with small-talk and chit-chat. Instead, He speaks boldly with instructions and directions and promptings through the Holy Spirit.

This week, let’s commit to spending more time calling out to God in prayer, spending time in His Word and learning those great and unsearchable things that we did not know.