21 Days of Prayer & Fasting - Day Two

John Chapter Two

For 21 days we will be looking at the 21 chapters of John as a church while we go through 21 days of prayer and fasting.

Today Erna Hiatt (our Head of Finance) walks us through John chapter 2.

His Glory Revealed

Water into wine

Jesus did not condemn but turned the water in to the best wine. He is our Provider and only wants the best for us. The water is like Life without Jesus and the wine our best life with Him. We can give Him our problems then obey His instruction. This is His first miracle and reveals His Glory.

Verses 2 -3 could be interpreted as failed religion. It has run out of wine. The traditions of man cannot gladden the heart, but Jesus can (Ps.104:15)

Because of the faithful obedience of the servants, Blessed an entire group of people with a miracle. Jesus doesn’t just want to perform miracles in your life, He wants you to be a part of them.

Jesus clears the Temple

Jesus' anger at the situation was not because of money itself. What bothered Jesus was the way in which business was being done, the motive behind it. The House of God meant for Worship is treated like a shopping mall with greed and dishonesty.

The passion for God’s house consumes Him (John2:17, Ps.69:9) as it should us. There is danger in all the commercialism around us to distract us from where our focus and worship should be, in God & Jesus.

The Temple Jesus refers to is His body (resurrected in 3 days), the house of God, where God and Humanity meets. With the crucifixion the temple tore, and our bodies are now the Temple and dwelling place for the Holy Spirit. How do we honour Him?

• What did you learn about Jesus from this chapter?

• What next step of obedience do you feel God is calling you to take?

John 2:25 (NLT)

No one needed to tell him about human nature, for he knew what was in each person’s heart.