This month I've spent some time in the book of Genesis, particularly chapter 16:13, which tells of Sarai mistreating her pregnant slave Hagar. Hagar has of course just been made to become pregnant by Sarai's husband Abram, as they were being impatient, waiting for their own child that God had promised them.
After being mistreated, Hagar subsequently runs from her mistress into the wilderness, pregnant and alone in a foreign land.
The Angel of the Lord appears to Hagar and tells her to go back. Hagar tells God; "You are the God who sees me". She is an Egyptian slave, far from one of God's people, yet she is the only woman in the whole Bible to name God. She calls him El-Roi; the God who sees. He responds with kindness and compassion for her.
While we go through the storms of Life, it really does feel sometimes like we are alone, and no one understands our situation. It's so vital for us to remember that as Christians we are never alone! God sees us. He sees our every day struggles and difficulties and he loves us and heroes us when we turn to him. Sometimes it's not in ways we expect, I highly doubt Hagar was delighted to be told to return to her mistress, who had been mistreating her out of jealousy for her pregnancy. But, return and submit she did and God blessed her obedience to him by giving her many descendants. She named her son Ishmael, which translates to "God hears". God listens to us too!
When we are going through the storms of Life, God sees. And when we turn to him in prayer and by spending time in his word, he hears. God hears our cries and he listens to us. And he answers us.
Later on in chapter 17:1, God instructs Abram to "walk before me", by God. God wants us to know he is always there and for us to be aware of his presence.
We have a kind and compassionate God, who sees us, hears us, and answers us when we need it. Rejoice in that knowledge today, whatever your situation! Knowing we are never alone and have a God who cares enough for us to grow and shape us through our circumstances is one of the biggest comforts of our Christian walks. Praying God fills your day with joy!